The initial idea for this work is seeded in the celebration of the integral relationship between dancer and songman/songwoman. An important pillar of First Nations storytelling, and one that has been of interest to me in my current research and ongoing cultural practice.
This relationship was to be explored by inviting our songman, Jaadwa man James Howard, to conduct an onstage five-piece jazz ensemble, which would be driving and conducting the dancers in space. Unfortunately, due to the most recent lockdown and set of restrictions this wasn’t able to be realised, however James continues to be a presence onstage, continuing the tradition of highlighting the songman/songwoman as much as the performers.
WAX is a celebration of this incredible group of fierce women, chronicling their past three years as kin and in support of each other. Their relationships and bond is what has made their success possible, and I have no doubt, has set them all up for continual growth and expansion.
My deep thanks and admiration to them all.
yindyamarra, Daniel Rileyv